Thursday, September 21, 2006

Things You Can Do Now To Avoid Prostate Cancer

When you look at the list of risk factors for prostate cancer, unfortunately there are quite a few that you just can't avoid. For example, you can't change how old you are, and it's well known that the risk of prostate cancer increases substantially after the age of fifty. In addition, if other men in your family have developed prostate cancer, you're at a much higher risk of developing it yourself. You can't change certain things about yourself or your life, but there are still some things you can do to reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer. So let's take a look at what you can do.
Annual Checkup
Having an annual checkup isn't going to stop you developing prostate cancer. But what it can do is help your doctor detect it early enough to treat it successfully. If the cancer is detected early enough, it can even be cured. If you’re not getting checked annually, it's possible for the cancer to spread to the point where nothing can be done in the way of successful treatment. So it's important to get checked by your doctor every year, and if you're in a high-risk category, such as over fifty, you should also get the relevant blood tests done annually too. You may even want to get checked more frequently if you're very high risk.
Watch What You Eat
More and more evidence is mounting up to prove that your overall health is often more related to what you eat than anything else you do. Unfortunately, too many people eat an unhealthy and unbalanced diet. It's too easy to be tempted to stray from a healthy diet, when it seems like there's a fast food chain on every corner. Eventually, though, making poor eating choices will catch up with you in the form of illness and disease.
Eating a health diet, on the other hand, can do a great deal to prevent disease and illnesses that are linked to what you eat. When it comes to most cancers, and prostate cancer in particular, one of the most important nutrients you need to eat is lycopene. You can eat lycopene in many forms. It's always best to get it from a natural source, such as tomatoes, watermelons, papaya and guava. You can also find it in many vitamin and mineral supplements.
Get Some Exercise
It's really important to exercise regularly if you want to stay strong and healthy. It also helps you to keep in shape. Exercise is an important factor not just in maintaining your overall health, but also in preventing disease. So regular exercise can help reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer. Even if you develop prostate cancer, being in good shape will help you to cope with the disease and the treatment. You need to be strong enough to fight off what you need to deal with.
So, those are the three main things you need to do if you want to reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer - regular checkups, eat a healthy diet and exercise. If you want to live a long and healthy life, then you know where to start.
For more important information regarding prostate cancer treatements and prostate cancer symptoms visit the online prostate health guide located at
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